That being said this website makes it so easy to use in Sunday School. It is easy to do lessons and add object lessons. The coloring pages are great.

We did the Fruit of the Spirit, Christmas, God's Love, Resurrection day, and most recently have been focusing on the armor of God. What a concept!
I have been thinking about what I clothe myself in. What am I putting on everyday? I am a huge fan of Tolkien.. well really the Hobbit and the LOTR... You see I grew up on these books. Every night I fell asleep thinking of Frodo and Bilbo, wondering if I would ever go "out of the frying pan and into the fire".
I have been re-reading the trilogy. In the first book, Frodo is given a coat of mail by Bilbo who insists he wear it. Frodo feels silly. What will this thin armor do in protecting him from such a hug unseen enemy. Reluctantly he hides it under his shirt. After this coat saves his life, deflecting a hammer from smashing his intestines; he learns the value. The value is greater than any treasure he's laid eyes on.

Isn't this the truth about the armor of God? There are times where we are so no-committal about it. We think maybe it's not necessary or not valuable.

Doing this study on the armor of God with the Sunday School class has helped me re-focus as a whole and individually on each piece of armor. Each one has value and each one has a purpose.
So what are you "putting on" today?
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