Sunday, August 13, 2017

commissioning x2

This Sunday we were commissioned, and Nathanael licenced as a pastor through the Hopewell Network.

Joel Kolb stood up front and talked about the fact that we are actually ministering to a community within a community. We are ministering to Belizeans and within that culture Deaf Belizeans. (or it could be looked at the other way around, ministering to Deaf, and Deaf within the culture of Belize. )

All of that to say we had 2 commissionings. We were first commissioned last week through our Deaf sending church: Connecting Deaf.

We were blessed to be a part of the service. Todd preached on all of our callings to the world. This can be right next door, or around the world.  They had a time of prayer for us. (Of course I neglected to get someone to take a picture.)

They then treated us to an awesome lunch at Mission Barbeque.

This week as I stated before was our commissioning through Hopewell. Nathanael was confirmed as a pastor. We then had a time of prayer. The elders and our families prayed for us.  

We had a time of goodbyes after the service. We were so thankful to those who came and spent this time with us!  

Here is a link to the service incase you wanted to see the prayer time: 

The prayer and confirmation start about 1:45:10 

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