To be honest, it is more and more difficult to write a post like this. We are increasingly comfortable with the environment we live in. We are trying to embrace things that we would have thought "strange" 3 years ago. I also believe that it is good to look at our world with other's eyes. To see the things we miss. It also may help prepare anyone who wants to visit. (and hey please visit!!! :) )
The fact that it's hot hasn't changed. I just thought I should inform you of that. We are right in the midst of "it's so hot.." and that won't get any better till perhaps October/November. I suppose there is no point in kicking a dead horse, we live with the heat. We don't have AC, those are facts.
(two weeks ago we had visitors from a FL Interpreting program)
Differences? Well here are a few ones I've thought of recently. Individual servings of soda come in "pint" bottles. They are glass and re-usable. You either bring a bottle to the store to exchange, put your soda in a plastic bag, or pay an extra shilling (25 cents) to carry it with you. We don't drink soda but have collected a few pints for exchange when Nathanael has review games at Friday night Bible study. Last year the littles made it a game, finding pint bottles and exchanging them at the local store for 25 cents worth of candy.
(Sprite the prize for winning Nathanel's review game at Bible Study)
Mosquitoes are a year round problem for us. When we first got here two years ago, I was sure we had bed bugs, there were so many bites happening at night. Thankfully it was just mosquitoes. What do we do about mosquitoes? We have a lot of bug spray. We also burn these incense type coils. They help keep the unwanted creatures out.
Houses are built of two things here: Block and Cement or wood panels. The wood ones are mostly assembled by conservative Mennonites. Some people build their own houses from any materials they find or are cheap. Ours is a block house, with a cement roof. I have come to learn that cement tends to hold in the heat, long past the sun going down.

If you can think of things you suspect are different, but aren't sure, feel free to ask :) I'd love to think up more for a new post.
Have a lovely week