2018 we dragged ourselves out of bed at the "ungodly" hour of 3 am to make our way to Belmopan (the capitol of Belize) and get in line. (Lines start at 7am and we have a 2.5 hour drive) We waited, ate breakfast, and finally were called to the window. What a huge disappointment to have them not even accept our application for residency. (I did cry)
As most of you are aware, Nathanael's work permit has been an arduous path to say the least. Since that is out of the way, we find ourselves looking to apply for residency again. This would allow us not to have to pay the steep work permit fee. We would also have more freedom to cross borders, be welcomed back into Belize more readily, and not pay the 20$ US (per person) to exit the country.
This is simply a "notice" to those we love that "here we go again"; and "we shall see what happens".
There are more mounds of paperwork to complete, passports to copy, bloodwork to file, police reports to obtain, and another visit to the immigration office to do. It felt like we overcame a huge hump when I got the one child who was practically screaming in the office to sit down for the bloodwork portion.